Sub RangeToHTM(MyRange, DocDestination) ' This macro will convert an Excel range to a HTML Table. ' Most formating is preserved. Font size, row & column hight ' are ignored. I may add those at a later date. ' ' Hacked Feb 96 - Sept 97 by Charles Balch, ' Original Source is at ' ' Care Ware! The code is yours to use and adapt for free as long as ' you do something nice for anyone (that includes you). ' Please send me Email describing how you use this code and any ' adjustments that you have made. Redistribute at will. ' Please leave my name and the original source in the comments. ' ' MyRange is an Excel range you wish to convert. ' DocDestination is the FileName and Path to send the document to. ' ColCount = Range(MyRange).Columns.Count RowCount = Range(MyRange).Rows.Count CalcState = Application.Calculation StatusBarState = Application.DisplayStatusBar Application.Calculation = xlManual Calculate Application.StatusBar = "Please be patient..." MyTitle = Range(MyRange).Cells(1, 1) ' Use first cell as title If Len(Dir(DocDestination)) > 1 Then Kill DocDestination Open DocDestination For Output As 1 'create Code Print #1, "" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "" & MyTitle & "" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "
" & Chr$(13) 'Print #1, "" & Chr$(13) While Row < RowCount Row = Row + 1 DoEvents Application.StatusBar = Str$(Int((Row / RowCount) * 100)) & "% Completed" If (Not Range(MyRange).Rows(Row).Hidden) Then MV = "" Col = 0 While Col < ColCount Col = Col + 1 If (Not Range(MyRange).Columns(Col).Hidden) Then CellV = Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).Text If CellV = "" Then CellV = "
" HzA = Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).HorizontalAlignment CellA = " Align=Right " If HzA = -4108 Then CellA = " Align=Center " If HzA = -4131 Then CellA = " Align=Left " If Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).Font.Bold Then CellV = "" & CellV & "" If Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).Font.Italic Then CellV = "" & CellV & "" If HzA = 7 Or Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).MergeCells Then ColSpan = 0 SameTitle = True While (Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).HorizontalAlignment = 7 Or Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).MergeCells) And SameTitle ' The following code must be changed for versions of Excel earlier than 97 If Not Range(MyRange).Columns(Col).Hidden Then ColSpan = ColSpan + 1 Col = Col + 1 If (Len(Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).Text) > 1 Or Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).MergeCells = False) Then SameTitle = False: Col = Col - 1 Wend CellA = " ColSpan=" & ColSpan & " Align=center " End If CC = Range(MyRange).Cells(Row, Col).Interior.ColorIndex BGC = "" If CC = 1 Then BGC = "#000000" 'black" If CC = 3 Or CC = 22 Then BGC = "#FF6060" 'Red" If CC = 4 Then BGC = "#80FF80" 'green" If CC = 6 Or CC = 19 Then BGC = "#FFF3CE" 'yellow" If CC = 8 Or CC = 41 Then BGC = "#80FFFF" 'blue If CC = 9 Then BGC = "#C04000" 'burgandy If CC = 15 Then BGC = "#DFDED0" 'grey" If CC = 39 Then BGC = "#FF00FF" 'Purple If Len(BGC) > 2 Then BGC = " bgcolor=" & Chr(34) & BGC & Chr(34) MV = MV & "" & CellV & "" End If Wend Print #1, "" & MV & "" & Chr$(13) End If Wend Print #1, "
" & MyTitle & "
" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "

" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "This table was created by a free Excel macro written by Charles Balch.
" & Chr$(13) Print #1, "Here's the code. It is care ware - it's yours for free if do something nice for anyone (anyone includes you)." Print #1, "" & Chr$(13) Close DoEvents Application.Calculation = CalcState Application.StatusBar = "" Application.DisplayStatusBar = StatusBarState End Sub